Friday, 22 June 2012

And so it begins..

(I got over my writer's block!!! ;)

Wow! Why didn’t I realize that moving the 800+ miles would be so difficult?? I would say that no one warned me, but that wouldn’t be true, now would it? ;)

I’m sad to say that our “dream home” that was a possibility, is no longer an option. :( The owner decided to take it off the rental market and sell it instead. It is my philosophy that I am only meant to do what I’m able to do, so I mourned the loss of a dream for a couple of days, then moved on.

Since then, I have found several options, all of which are beautiful places! For now, the plan is to head to New Hampshire in mid July, look at as many places as possible in one or two days, sign a lease, then head home to pack!

When our current landlord listed our home for rent… that was when the move felt real.

We are really moving.

Boxes have been gathered, packing has begun, and here we go! We still have all of July, but I know that time will go considerably quickly.

Whoever is reading this, (I know you’re out there) thank you. Thank you for starting this journey with me. Until next time, here are some pictures of more New England homes that I photographed while visiting. Enjoy!


Writer's block.


In the meantime, aren’t these hydrangeas beautiful? I took this photo with my iPhone at the resort where we stayed in Williamsburg this past week. One last trip before our big move!!! :)

Yes, the temperatures were unbearable, but these beauties didn’t seem to mind. Happy weekend!


Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Happy *belated* Memorial Day!

I know I’m a bit behind (better late than never!), but I wanted to share with you my summer mantel, seasonably decorated for Memorial Day and Independence Day. 
I try to stick to a fairly simple mantle in the summer, as I like it to feel cool and breezy, as we all would hope to be on a hot summer day.

                    Excuse my fingerprints in the hideously large mirror. Someone has to wind the clock. ;)

I’m inspired very much by early America and antiques in my design, and many of my design choices are taken from 18th century America. Even though my love for colonial America is my main inspiration, I am not biased. I just take everything I love and find a way to make it work for me. The vintage mantel clock was found at an antique store in Columbus, Ohio. It was not functioning at the time, but it was beautiful and had an insanely low price. We bought it and had it repaired by a local man that restores clocks. It has the most charming westminster chime, that is slightly different than any I have ever heard.  The two sets of vintage pewter candlesticks were purchased at estate sales in our city. The vintage dish is from a collection that Shaun's mother used to use as her china. I'm not sure the maker, but the back says "Made in England". The jar is from Hobby Lobby (sometimes new has to stand in until something old can be found to take it's place ;) 

And my arm in the background. ;)

This mantel is directly inspired by early America, which I thought would be the perfect inspiration for the Memorial Day/Independence Day mantel. I hope you enjoyed you’re holiday celebrating the brave men and women defending our freedom. Those men and women, past and present, I most humbly thank you for your service.
