Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Happenings around here...

Well, I do say some time has passed since my last post! Rather than recap the last few months (those will come in upcoming posts!), I thought I'd show you what happened around here this past weekend. We didn't stay at home, working on Spring cleaning as we should have, but instead loaded the dogs and ourselves into the car, and took off for beautiful, Newport, Rhode Island.

 I know, Monsieur Rochambeau, we're heading into town!

We chose this past weekend because Summer is just around the corner, and as you can imagine, when Newport is at its busiest. But there is something to be said about enjoying a gorgeous, Spring day in such a wonderful place, filled to the brim with the most stunning 18th and 19th century architecture.

Trinity Church, built in 1726.

And what would a stop in Newport be without a peek at the ocean?

I hope you enjoyed your little getaway as much as I did! And don't worry, I'll be back soon! (Hey, I'm serious this time! ;)




  1. LOLOL! I love that you're serious this time.
    but seriously.
    it's always worth the wait. xo

    1. Hi Tammy!

      Always a pleasure hearing from you. All kidding aside, I am trying to do better! Thank you for your always kind words.




Your kind words are always appreciated! Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts!
